This is the manga that introduced the character Eikichi Onizuka, who later appeared in the hit Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO). A Live Action Japanese TV Drama episodes were released in Japan. Five 50-minute anime OVAs were released on VHS in the early 1990s. It has been re-released in a deluxe edition of 15 volumes, from May to December 2000, and in a pocket-size print run, which began in May 2005, is at the 10th volume. Shōnan Pure Love Gang! ( 湘南純愛組! Shōnan Jun'ai Gumi!) is a manga by Tohru Fujisawa which was published from March 1990 to September 1996 and compiled in 31 volumes.
1-10 Tokyopop & 11-15 Vertical Inc (English)ġ5 (Japanese New Version & English Version)